Helping our Community.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves the unsheltered community in Salem, Or. and surrounding areas. We believe meeting needs and connecting with people is the most impactful way to better our community. What started as a few people handing out sack lunches, has grown much beyond our expectations. The Facebook page has grown to over 2,000 members, and our monthly meal programs provide around 500 meals per month. We plan to expand our services as new opportunities to grow and impact the community come up.

Mission Statement. The Kindness Closet is a small group looking for ways to encourage and inspire changes to better our local community. We provide meals and necessary items (water, hygiene bags, tents, tarps, clean clothing, ect.) to the unsheltered people in our city on a consistent basis. We strive to facilitate relationships with people and let them know that we see them and we care about them. All donations and proceeds go toward making a difference in any way we can. Consider volunteering or donating today to see how you can be a part of changing the community for the better! We are a small ministry working to bring Jesus' love and kindness to the community!

Guidelines we follow. These are the three core rules our organization adhere to.


Be kind

We believe in showing kindness to people above all. Our goal is to reflect Jesus’ love and kindness to those we serve. It is crucial that our volunteers understand the importance of treating the people we serve with dignity and kindness.


Be respectful

At Kindness Closet, we don’t make assumptions about people’s lives. We believe that each individual is an expert about their lives and experiences. It is important to show respect to each person that we serve, and each other, without drawing conclusions as to how or why people are where they are at today.


Do good work

We believe in doing small things with great love. Every small act of kindness has the capacity to change someone’s day, week, and even their life. We believe the quality of our work directly impacts the community and the people we serve.

Meet the awesome team behind the Kindness Closet. Kindness Closet of Salem operates entirely through the generosity of our volunteers, and eight people currently serve on our board of directors.

Kendra Taylor

Founder | Executive Director

Lindsay Bigelow

Vice-President | Co-director

Your donations help

How its done. Our funding is 100% donor and grant based, and we operate entirely through the generosity of our volunteers. All donations directly fund our outreach and meal programs. Please consider donating to impact the lives of those at-risk and vulnerable in our community.