It all starts with kindness.

Consider volunteering or donating today

Get Started

What we do: We supply people living on the streets with food, tents, tarps, sleeping bags, clean clothing, and other essential items such as camping gear. We serve more than 500 meals monthly to unsheltered neighbors.

Who we are. The Kindness Closet is a small group looking for ways to encourage and inspire changes to better our local community. We provide meals and necessary items  to the unsheltered people in our city on a consistent basis.

More About Us

Why is our work important. We believe all people deserve to have the basic needs

The Kindness Closet works to reach the underserved people in our community. We believe all people deserve to have the basic needs met regardless of social identity or status in life. We work to ensure that these needs are met to the best of our ability. Everyone deserves to feel worthy of human connection, and our work creates and promotes these connections which can change lives.

Where. It all happens here, in our town of Salem, oregon

The Kindness Closet operates throughout the community. We do not have a dedicated physical site as most of our work is done through outreach in camps, but we host the community shower truck at Grace Community Church on Tuesdays from 11am-3pm

Wish List: We provide people with items that are essential for surviving on the streets. We keep an updated list on our Amazon wishlist, but our most needed items are listed below. Items are distributed on a weekly basis to our shower truck guests but also during outreach events.

List of things:
Socks Men’s Jeans sizes 30, 32, 34, 36
Sleeping bags 
Cat food 
Dog food 
Bottled water 
Women’s bras (all sizes but small preferred)

Your donations help

How its done. Our funding is 100% donor and grant based, and we operate entirely through the generosity of our volunteers. All donations directly fund our outreach and meal programs. Please consider donating to impact the lives of those at-risk and vulnerable in our community.